Devlog 5 (Coding) - Bus Charge Attack and Damage Reduction

Added Initial Bus Charge

  • When charging, the bus will change its position randomly to one of four possible positions. 
  • The bus will also rotate to face the player.
  • The bus is currently set to deal 30 damage to the player.

Modified Bus Charge Behavior

  • The initial bus charge was set so that when the function was called, it would repeatedly reset to its original position and charge at the player. This was changed so that when the function is called once, the bus will only charge at the player once.
  • Introduced coroutine to better choreograph the "animation" of the attack and resetting to its initial position.
  • Bus charge function is currently called when the "I" key is pressed. 
  • Bus charge damage was changed from 30 --> 25 damage.
  • Introduced 1 second delay when bus changes its position and rotates to face the player so that the player has enough time to react and dodge the attack.

Added Damage Reduction bound to "L" key

  • When the "L" key is pressed on beat, all incoming damage is reduced by 50% for 2 seconds. 

Bug Fixes

  • Removed a line of code that was causing the console to print "Combo Failed!" whenever "J K L" were pressed even out of combo mode.
  • Fixed a bug where the bus would position in the middle of the play area before teleporting to a random position and charging at the player.

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